Mineral Magnesium – 200ml


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Due to our rushed lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits most people lack the necessary Vitamins and Minerals their body needs to function at optimum levels and combat disease and deterioration within. Magnesium is one of those minerals that our bodies need to perform at its best and is also a mineral that is often looked over. Some of the main roles of Magnesium is to act as a cofactor — a helper molecule — in the biochemical reactions continuously performed by enzymes.

If you have a medical condition, check with your doctor before taking magnesium supplements. Though these supplements are generally well tolerated, they may be unsafe for people who take certain diuretics, heart medications, or antibiotics

It’s involved in more than 600 reactions in your body, including:

  • Energy creation: converting food into energy
  • Protein formation: creating new proteins from amino acids
  • Gene maintenance: helping create and repair DNA and RNA
  • Muscle movements: aiding in muscle contraction and relaxation
  • Nervous system regulation: regulating neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system

By ensuring your body gets the right amount of Magnesium, it will be able to help your body with:

  • Boosting Exercise Performance
  • May assist in combating Depression
  • May support healthy Blood Sugar Levels
  • Promote Heart Health
  • Boasts Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
  • May help prevent Migraine Attacks
  • May improve PMS Symptoms
  • May promote Bone Health
  • May support better Sleep
  • May reduce Anxiety Symptoms


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Mineral Magnesium – 200ml